Without a doubt, 2020 has been a year that has challenged educators, schools and their communities on many levels.
New Zealand's first Lockdown showed us all that the digital divide was still prevalent in NZ, and with that in mind, we want to say a big thank you to our sponsors and support teams, who have helped us to connect more ākonga and whānau to the internet during 2021.

Thankyou to GCSN sponsors
Without the sponsors, we would not be able to bridge the digital divide and do what we do.
Thank you to all the Trusts and Foundations that have made it possible for kaiako, ākonga and whānau to access an internet connection, access the Media4Good campaign and attend PLD workshops for kaiako.
The Todd Foundation
The Todd Foundation takes a practical approach to bringing resources to communities to create sustainable, long-term social change for children, young people, and families. www.toddfoundation.org.nz
Kelliher Charterable Trust
The Kelliher Charterable Trust provides funding for a wide range of activities including caring, welfare, youth and education, heritage and culture, the arts, and research, which remain central to the trust.
Rata Foundation
The Rata Foundation invests in the future by aiming to Connect, Collaborate and Transform.
Ministry of Education - Canterbury Division
The Ministry of Education is the Government's lead advisor on the New Zealand education system, shaping direction for sector agencies and providers. They shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent outcomes.
Pub Charity
Pub Charity Limited distributes donations to worthy community organisations all over New Zealand. They first began raising donations funds for New Zealand communities in 1987. That’s 30 years of excellent partnerships with our venues, 30 years of great entertainment for our players, and 30 years supporting communities all over New Zealand.
Internet NZ
Internet NZ funding furthers its mission by helping New Zealanders harness the power of the Internet. Every year they distribute funding to both organisations and individuals, supporting the community through a range of grants, engagement events, and initiatives.
One Foundation
One Foundation distributes grants across the Education, Sport, Arts, Community and Culture and Health and Welfare.
The Media4Good campaign was created to give ākonga and kaiako an opportunity to tell the stories of the amazing work being done in their very own schools.
To do this, schools in Greater Christchurch can borrow the equipment to create media that showcases their school. Following criteria to ensure good quality outcomes, these student lead projects, enable team members to learn in a project-based environment and giving ākonga the opportunity to; project manage, learn how to use modern technology and resources, work in a team environment, and experience representing their school through their creativity.
Bookings to hire the equipment and now open for 2021. Please fill in this form and we will be in touch to discuss details.
Two posts about the campaign are here #GCSNMedia4Good campaign and a Behind the scenes look at the first project.
2021 Events
In 2019 the GCSN team developed the GCSN Digital Technologies Implementation Framework.
The Framework supports Kaiko and Tumuaki with strategic planning and resources to implement Digital Technologies into their schools and kura.
In February 2021 we will be traveling to Nelson, Marlborough, and Kaikoura to support kaiako and tumuaki with this resource. Visit the events page for more information about the hui in each area.
If you are in the Canterbury area and would like to host a hui at your school or kura, or you're interested in attending a hui, fill in this form and we will be in touch.
Emma Planicka's popular PLD workshops will be back in 2021, we will keep you posted of new workshops, or join us on Twitter to learn when the next hui will be held.
Keep safe during the holidays and we will see you in 2021
The GCSN Team