1. Introductions and AcknowledgementsIntroduction and thankyou to acknowledge the mahi put into the Digital Technologies Implementation Framework.
2. OverviewOverview of the DT Implementation Framework three Documents. How to navigate through them and ways to use them in your school.
3. CoachingLearn tips and tricks on how to use the DT Implementation Framework resource, and how to deliver it in your school or Kahui Ako.
4. Pedagogical ApproachDeep dive into Pedagogical Approach. Create a collective understanding of what Pedagogical Approach means by covering the areas of 1. Governance-level documents, 2. Local curriculum integration and 3. Digital Technologies progress outcomes
5. Professional LearningIn this video we take a deep dive into professional learning by looking at the four strands of 1. Collaboration and shearing 2. Professional learning model 3. Integration of Technologies across professional learning. 4. Budget and future focus for Digital Technologies professional learning.
6. Teaching and LearningDeep dive into the Teaching and Learning dimension of the framework, and understand what Digital Technologies Implementation looks like across the local curriculum through the two areas of 1. Sustainability of Digital Technologies and 2. Learning Community Culture and a Clear focus on ākonga engagement and achievement.
7. Tech and InfrastructureThe success of Tech and Infrastructure underpins the success of the other areas in the Framework. Understand and learn to define what access to tech and infrastructure means to the project. Cover how to obtain, manage and maintain resources through the areas of, 1. Access to Digital Technologies 2. Procurement and Maintenance
8. Whānau iwi/hapū and community engagementThis video covers Whānau iwi/hapū and community engagement. Knowing which procedures to have in place across Kura or Kahui Akoto to make the most of community engagement and what it should look like. Cover the areas of 1. Community of engagement 2. Equity of Learning 3. Whānau and ākonga understanding of permissions and access.

Digital Wellbeing Resources
Digital Wellbeing modules are currently being created which are based on modern areas of psychological research to support schools and whānau to engage with digital technologies safely and in a way which supports good psychological outcomes.
The modules are designed to be educational and informative. They will teach staff and whānau about some of the psychological risks and assets which contribute to wellbeing outcomes, as well as provide some advice and solutions that schools and whānau can action.
Each module has an interactive, self-directed slideshow, as well as a presentation to facilitate staff PLD and a presentation to facilitate a whānau information night, and other resources that can be used in workshops.
The idea behind these presentations is for you to use the presentations as you see fit and make them your own. You may use them in various contexts and ways to facilitate learning.