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December Events Newsletter

He waka eke noa

We are all in this together

Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support throughout 2023!

With Term 4 almost over and 2023 fast approaching we here at GCSN want to wish you all the best during your well earned summer break! 2022 has had its fair share of ups and downs and we hope that you take some time to rest and recharge ahead of 2023.

Behind the scenes we will continue to develop new and exciting digital technologies based learning opportunities for ākonga, kaiako, and whānau. These will include:

  • Research into how schools and kaiako can support young people to participate in safe online communities in the classroom and beyond.

  • Learning opportunities for ākonga delivered in partnership with the Christchurch City Libraries Design and Delivery team.

  • Another Digital Learning PLD session by Emma Planicka for kaiako all about using Google in creative and innovative ways.

Otherwise keep an eye out for more exciting opportunities which will be launched on the GCSN website, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Noho ora mai rā,

The GCSN Team

The GCSN Team GCSN x Digital Learning PLD

Created and delivered by Emma Planicka from Digital Learning PLD, GCSN is excited to be launching another new PLD session for 2023. This session provides kaiako with an opportunity to learn more about utilising Google apps in new and creative ways. This PLD session is funded entirely by us at GCSN.

Early Term 1 2023 (exact date TBA) 9.30am - 3.30pm Spark Place, Tūranga Library

With a focus on gathering tips, tricks, ideas and resources to fill your kete with digital skills, develop confidence, and get excited about creating an engaging programme for 2023! You will leave this workshop armed and ready to explore a bunch of creative digital tools, getting innovative with all things Google, and more. Save your place and join us, while spaces last!

Feedback from Become a Digital Artist... Just in time for Christmas!

From Emma Planicka (facilitator of the session):

Become a Digital Artist... Just in Time for Christmas kicked off amongst the busyness of Term 4, providing some Christmas joy and tips and tricks integrating open-ended create apps into teaching and learning. Diving into a range of apps, we got busy creating some amazing sketches, animations, mini movies and music! Participants were so in sync, we even had two beautiful kaiako from different kura arrive in the same outfit. It is such a pleasure to see the talented and creative minds we have out there working in kura across Ōtautahi. We can't wait to see what they end up creating and the magic they take back to kura to share with ākonga, kaiako and whānau.

Hornby High School Arcade Machine Project

Ākonga from Hornby High School, in collaboration with Christchurch City Libraries and funding from GCSN and impactED, have created two arcade machines that suit the community's needs. Students have learnt a range of design, workshop, and electronic skills. This includes developing a design concept, building the arcade machines, creating the vinyl cut graphics, and programming the arcade buttons and joysticks to control the games using Raspberry Pi. The project captures some of the best of Hornby High School's Manaiakalani 'Learn Create Share' pedagogy which focusses on their vision as "he puna auaha - a centre of creative excellence".



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