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April Events Newsletter

Mā te pohewa mā te auaha hoki, ka whakapuaki ngā kura e huna ana.

With imagination and creativity a hidden jewel can be revealed.

GCSN is excited to launch Putting the A Back in STEAM, our panel event taking place on Thursday 11 May as part of the 2023 Ōtautahi Learning Days festival. Hosted by Dr Gabrielle Wall (General Manager of GCSN) with a keynote address from Sir Ian Taylor, our panellists will discuss how to promote the Arts side of digital technologies and STEAM disciplines to engage creative ākonga in STEAM disciplines, design and deliver innovative learning opportunities, and practical ways to integrate Arts across STEAM education for ākonga of all ages. Learn more and register for the event below.

This newsletter also includes an update about current PLD offerings delivered in partnership with the Christchurch City Council Libraries Design and Delivery team and our current work with the Ciena Jump for Students Fund.

Stay in the loop about these events and future opportunities on Twitter, Facebook or via the GCSN website.

Putting the A Back in STEAM

Thursday 11 May, 6:15pm

Spark Place, Tūranga Library​

Doors open at 6:15pm with the event starting at 6:30pm.

A light dinner and drinks will be provided.

Putting the A Back in STEAM is a panel discussion which will explore how to integrate the Arts across other STEAM disciplines focusing especially on how this can be done in the classroom to support ākonga and their pathways. It is part of the 2023 Ōtautahi Learning Days festival whose overarching theme is Kōtuituia - Weaving Curiosity.

Hosted by Dr Gabrielle Wall, our panellists have been invited to discuss getting creative ākonga involved in STEAM disciplines, promoting the Arts side of digital technologies and STEAM, and how to get ākonga involved in the classroom and beyond by designing creative and innovative learning opportunities. This will provide guests with practical and theoretical advice for engaging ākonga in STEAM disciplines. To ensure the future-focused nature of the wider Ōtautahi Learning Days event is addressed, pathways in Arts and STEAM will be discussed.

Term 2 PLD Opportunities

Partnering with the Christchurch City Council Libraries Design and Delivery team, GCSN is proud to support five engaging programmes designed to upskill ākonga to use digital technologies in new and creative ways. ​These opportunities will support ākonga to further develop their digital capabilities. Terms 2 and 3 are starting to fill up so now is your chance to register your interest ahead of another busy term!

GCSN x Ciena Jump for Students Fund

GCSN engages with schools in the greater Christchurch area to identify students eligible for the Ciena Jump for Students Fund. Ciena and Skinny Jump partnered to create the Ciena Jump for Students Fund, which provides fully subsidised home broadband to eligible school students and their whānau, addressing the financial barrier to having internet access at home and enable students to participate in online learning.

The Ciena Jump for Students fund offers a free wireless broadband modems and 210GB monthly data allowance for the school year. It was established in 2020 to support remote learning during COVID-19 lockdowns, and has now been extended until the conclusion of the 2023 school year.

The fund is specifically aimed at households where cost is a barrier to having a broadband connection and home. It is available to students enrolled a school. To apply, a referral from either a school, GCSN, or partner library is required, and households must meet the same eligibility criteria as for Skinny Jump, including an address availability check. April 2023 update GCSN has now partnered with Hornby, Shirley, Eastgate and New Brighton libraries so GCSN can engage with schools in the greater Christchurch area to refer eligible students to sign-up and collect their modem at their closest library, at their own convenience.



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